Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Best Quotes - Day 2 of the Convention

(Click on name to read full transcripts)

"No way. No how. No McCain." (Sen. Hillary Clinton)

"It makes perfect sense that George Bush and John McCain will be together next week in the Twin Cities, because these days they’re awfully hard to tell apart." (Sen. Hillary Clinton)

"John McCain calls himself a maverick, but he votes with George Bush 90 percent of the time. That's not a maverick. That's a sidekick." (Sen. Bob Casey)

"Not four more years. Four more months." (Sen. Bob Casey)

"This election isn't about liberal vs. conservative. It's not about left vs. right. It's about the future vs. the past." (Gov. Mark Warner)

"We simply can't drill our way to energy independence, even if you drilled in all of John McCain's backyards, including the ones he can't even remember." (Gov. Brian Schweitzer)

"I'm sure you remember a girl from Kansas who said there's no place like home. Well, in John McCain's version, there's no place like home. And a home. And home. And home." (Gov. Kathleen Sebelius)

"You know, President Bush inherited the strongest economy in history and a huge budget surplus. He inherited an economy that created 23 million new jobs. I'm a little surprised. You would think the one thing President Bush was good at was inheriting things. Instead he turned a $236 billion surplus into a record deficit and added nearly $4 trillion in new debt. That's the one thing we can say about George Bush: Mr. President, we will be forever in your debt." (Rep. Rahm Emanuel)

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